Karthikeyan Jeganathan, known as Karthi around American Winds Flight Academy...passed!
He recently became a private pilot and is working toward his commercial license.
Karthi is a part of the
International School of AWFA and is from India. He began studying at AW in January, 2012. "This has been a childhood ambition," he said. "Seeing aircraft growing up, I knew this had to be the best kind of job someone could have in this world."
He came to the US and
American Winds to get his FAA license and said it was because it is well respected and recognized around the world.
"I am excited to be in America. Mike and Denise (Mike Kolomichuk, President of the company and Denise Hobart, Chief Flight Instructor), guided me and helped me a lot," Karthi said. "They are kind people."
His impression of the US so far is that people are kind and respect is given to every human, with no discrimination between the rich and the poor.
He is happy here! AND...those at American Winds are thrilled he is at AW.
His future holds a commercial license with a multi-engine rating and he plans to return to India to fly for the commercial airlines.
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